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Sales Office - USA
37 North Orange Avenue,
Suite 500
Orlando, Florida 32081
Phone: +1 (321) 251 6559
Fax: +1 (321) 206 8630

Sales Office - UK
Wynyard Park House
Wynyard Avenue,
Wynyard, TS22 5TB
Phone : +44 (0) 20 7096 9571
eFax : +44 (0) 20 7657 4245

Technology Center - India
12th Floor, Tower 1, DLF IT Park,
Block - AF, 08 - Major Arterial Road,
Rajarhat, Kolkata - 700156
Phone : +91 (0) 33 4021 4100
Fax : +91 (0) 33 2324 2209
Other Contacts
investor@erevmax.comMedia & PR
marketing@erevmax.comTechnical Support
techsupport@erevmax.comMeet our Partners
With solid trust and constant support from our partners, RateTiger has been delivering gold standard
of connectivity to hotels worldwide. Come, let’s meet them.